Other Cool Games and Stuff
Free Online MMORPG's
These are games that require you to download. They are almost 100 % free, in fact the only thing not free about them is boring stuff that you have to pay for extra. But trust me when I say that these games are worth trying. I hope to have Reviews of them as soon as I personally get internet.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic [currently not released]
- Conquerer 2.0 online
- Perfect World International
- Runes of Magic
- Conquerer 2.0 online
- Perfect World International
- Runes of Magic
Free Online Browser Based MMORPG's
These are games that you can play anywhere, so long as that computer has javascript which is what most computers need to survive. So if your at school or at the library and have some time to kill, Check these fun games out. They hardly get blocked too!
- Canaan Online
- Sherwood Dungoen
- AQ Worlds